This website is maintained by the Anchor Program Fund, Inc. The (APF) is the charitable, nonprofit organization that was established to accept and use donations to maintain and further support programs, fund special activities and events, as well as the necessary supplies and equipment for individuals with disabilities participating under the Town of Hempstead's Camp A.N.C.H.O.R. Program.

Camp A.N.C.H.O.R.

ANCHOR (Answering the Needs of Citizens with Handicaps through Organized Recreation) is a year-round recreation program operated by the Town of Hempstead, acting through its Department of Parks & Recreation.

The program is dedicated to children and adults with special needs who reside in the Town of Hempstead. The Town of Hempstead's Camp Anchor Program provides programs after school and on Saturdays in various locations throughout the township during the Fall, Winter and Spring.  A comprehensive six-week summer camp located in Lido Beach is also offered to the Town's special needs population.

The A.N.C.H.O.R. Program is run by, Mary Ann Hanson, Director of the ANCHOR PROGRAm. There are also 3 very dedicated camp directors. Colin Hintze, Senior Camp Director, Tim Veltre, Middle Camp Director, and Sandy Braun, Junior Camp Director.

To request a camper application to the ANCHOR Program please call the Town of Hempstead ANCHOR Office at (516) 431-6946.

*Please note there is a wait list at this time*
*You must be a Town of Hempstead Resident to be eligible to apply*